Master Service Agreement

Digital Udyog Seva Master Service Agreement

Welcome to Digital Udyog Seva! We are delighted to have you as a valued client. Before you embark on an exciting journey with us, it is important to establish a clear understanding of the terms and conditions that govern our partnership. This Master Service Agreement (MSA) outlines the terms under which Digital Udyog Seva provides its services to you. Please read this document carefully to ensure a harmonious and mutually beneficial collaboration.

1. Agreement Overview

This Master Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Digital Udyog Seva, hereinafter referred to as “DVS,” and the client, hereinafter referred to as the “Client.”

2. Services Provided

DVS agrees to provide the Client with digital marketing services, website development, and other related services as agreed upon in the scope of work attached hereto.

3. Payment Terms

The Client agrees to pay DVS in accordance with the pricing and payment terms outlined in the proposal or scope of work. Payments are due as per the agreed schedule, and any late payments may be subject to penalties.

4. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary information, trade secrets, or other sensitive information disclosed during the term of this Agreement.

5. Intellectual Property

Any intellectual property developed or provided by DVS in the course of providing services to the Client shall remain the property of DVS unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

6. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue until terminated by either party with written notice. Termination shall not relieve the Client of the obligation to pay for services rendered before the termination date.

7. Limitation of Liability

DVS shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of or in connection with the services provided under this Agreement.

8. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located within [Jurisdiction].

9. Miscellaneous

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements. Any modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties.

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